- Early Career Researcher Book Launch Series
May 17, 2023
If you are an Early Career Researcher (ECR) and have published a monograph between June 2022 and June 2023, AAIMS would like to hear from you!
AAIMS is running a ECR Book Launch series for ECRs who have published a monograph that reflects the multidisciplinary nature of scholarship in Islamic and Muslim studies. AAIMS is committed to promoting scholarly studies of Islam and Muslim societies, and this includes Islam as a religion and the lived experiences of Muslims in Australia and worldwide.
The Book Launches will take place online via Zoom and will be made publicly available for all AAIMS members. The Book Launch series is the perfect way for ECRs to get discovered and increase citations.
ECRs will be asked a series of questions relating to their recent publication by AAIMS secretary, Mirela Cufurovic, with an open-to-public Q&A session toward the end.
If you are an ECR who has published a monograph from June 2022 to June 2023, please contact Mirela at mcufurovic@csu.edu.au.