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The Australian Association of Islamic and Muslim Studies, or AAIMS, is a leading Australian academic association that is dedicated to creating and disseminating knowledge about Islamic and Muslim societies.

This knowledge includes studies of Islam as a religion and the study of the lived experiences of Muslims in Australia and worldwide.

As an interdisciplinary association, AAIMS promotes national and international collaboration in the field of Islamic studies, including sub-disciplines like law and legal studies, anthropology, history, sociology, political science, philosophy, and theology.

The key objective of AAIMS is to foster a network of academics across Australian universities to generate opportunities for joint research across disciplines and institutions, and to disseminate research output produced by its members. The association does this through a series of events, prizes, and conferences, including monthly newsletters and other opportunities for its members.

AAIMS promotes the field of Islamic and Muslim studies by:

AAIMS Constitution

AAIMS aims to build Australia into a hub of excellence in studies of Islam and Muslim societies. Our constitutions outlines our scope, memberships, subscription fees, and bi-annual executive and advisory board elections – plus more.

AAIMS is a not-for-profit organisation

To enjoy the benefits AAIMS has to offer, become a member today!