- 4th Islamophobia Report Launch
March 21, 2023

Today, the Islamophobia Register Australia together with Charles Sturt University and the Islamic Sciences and Research Academy (ISRA) released the 4th Islamophobia Report at Old Parliament House in Canberra. This day is significant, too, for being a UN declared International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination.
The report covers data between 2020 and 2021, with data from 2014 onward. The Islamophobia Register Australia was founded in 2014 in response to growing anecdotal evidence of incidents of Islamophobia from across Australia. The Register is the first of its kind in Australia to provide a unique platform for incidents of Islamophobia to be reported, recorded and analysed into a published report.
AAIMS Member and Associate Professor, Derya Iner, is the leading scholar and researcher behind this report. Congratulations Derya!
Until next time,
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- 4th Islamophobia Report Launch
March 21, 2023

AAIMS will be resuming its Early Career Researchers Book Launch series for ECRs who have published a monograph that reflects the multidisciplinary nature of scholarship in Islamic and Muslim studies. AAIMS is committed to promoting scholarly studies of Islam and Muslim societies, and this includes Islam as a religion and the lived experiences of Muslims in Australia and worldwide.